General English Course
General English 1
Unit 1: Who am I?
Unit 2: Describing people and activities
Unit 3: Spending money
Unit 4: Somewhere to live
Unit 5: Keeping well
General English 2
Unit 1: Talking about the past
Unit 2: Different culture
Unit 3: Getting Around
Unit 4: Eating and drinking
Unit 5: Personal plans
General English 3
Unit 1: My education
Unit 2: Entertainment
Unit 3: Being with people
Unit 4: Money matters
Unit 5: Getting away
General English 4
Unit 1: The media
Unit 2: Keeping
Unit 3: Dreams and plans
Unit 4: What happened?
Unit 5: Art and culture
General English 5
Unit 1: What’s going on in my life?
Unit 2: The world we live in
Unit 3: Be careful!
Unit 4: Crime and punishment
Unit 5: Technology
General English 6
Unit 1: Eat up!
Unit 2: What do you think?
Unit 3: Changing jobs
Unit 4: The unexplained
Unit 5: Business matters
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